Choosing a Room

Find out about the room selection process for singles, doubles, and suites.

Where Do Returning Students Live?

When students choose rooms in order of selection number, some residence halls and room types are more popular and fill before others. Looking at how students historically select housing, returning students should plan to live in the following areas:

Current First-Year Students

This includes all students who entered the University as a first-year student this year.

  • Room Types: Doubles & Suites
    (Single rooms are limited in number on-campus and typically selected early in the selection process by junior and senior students.)
  • Residence Halls: Dorsey, Founders (suites), Keough, & Michaelhouse (double rooms)

Current Sophomores

  • Room Types: Doubles, & Suites
    (Single rooms are limited in number on-campus and typically selected early in the selection process by junior and senior students.)
  • Residence Halls: Dorsey, Founders (suites), Keough, Michaelhouse (double rooms), & Upper Quad

Current Juniors, Seniors, Graduate/Pharmacy

  • Room Types: Singles, Doubles, & Suites
  • Residence Halls: Dorsey, Founders (suites & singles), Keough, Michaelhouse (doubles & singles), & Upper Quad

Room and Building Options


Where are singles located?

  • Dorsey Hall: 3 singles (gender will be based on the percent of applicants)
  • Founders Hall: 38 singles (gender will be based on the percent of applicants)
  • Keough Hall: 3 singles (gender will be based on the percent of applicants)
  • Michaelhouse: 14 male singles, 29 female singles

How do I select a single room?

If you wish to live in a single room, you must first preference a single by March 12 on the Room Type and Roommate Preference Form.

Single room selection is March 14. Single rooms are chosen in selection number order. If you preferenced a single room, and no single rooms are available during your selection time, you will be placed on the single room waitlist. Should a single room become available at a later date, Residential Life will contact you.

If you do not choose a single, you will receive a date and time to choose a double room.

NOTE: If you do not receive a single room, you must choose a double room in the interim to secure a space on campus. If you do not choose a double room, you will be considered to have withdrawn from the Housing Selection Process.

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Where are doubles located?

  • Dorsey Hall
  • Keough Hall
  • Michaelhouse: 1 male, 1 female
  • Upper Quad Hall

In Dorsey Hall, Keough Hall, and Upper Quad Hall, doubles will be assigned gender based on the percentage of applicants' genders (e.g. if 45% of eligible applicants are female, 45% of rooms will be female). Once you select a double room with your roommate, you may not "swap" roommates with another room until after housing selection.

How do I select a double room?

If you wish to live in a double room, you must first preference a double room by March 23 on the Room Type and Roommate Preference Form.

Double room selection is March 26 - March 27. Double rooms are selected in order based on the group selection number for the pair of roommates. Students who choose a double room without a roommate will be assigned a selection time based on their room selection number.

What if I don’t have a roommate?

You do not have to have a roommate to choose a double room. During the process, it is likely that you will receive a roommate either through someone signing in with you or through consolidation. Consolidation means when two students of the same gender do not have a roommate, we move the person with the higher selection number in with the person with the lower (or better) selection number. Although your room may change, your residence hall will not. Residential Life will email you when a consolidation happens.

If you do not have a roommate at the end of housing selection, you will be assigned someone from the waiting list or a new transfer student.

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Suites are two rooms connected by a common room with a shared bathroom.

Where are suites located?

  • Founders Hall: 36 suites (gender will be based on the percent of applicants)

How do I select a suite?

If you wish to live in a suite, you must have a full group of 4 and preference a suite by March 18 on the Room Type and Roommate Preference Form.

Suite selection is March 21. Suites are selected in order based on the group selection number for the four roommates. 

If you do not choose a room, or if the choice is unavailable to you during your group selection time, you will be reset to choose during double room selection. You will need to tell us at who the pairs of roommates will be no later than 4:30 p.m. March 21.

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