Diversity in the News at Fisher

04/17/2019 - Over spring break, 25 students from St. John Fisher College’s Office of Campus Ministry took a service trip to Tampa, Florida where students served the homeless and helped build homes for those in need.

03/29/2019 - More than 1,000 undergraduate, master's, and doctoral candidates will graduate from St. John Fisher College during its 65th Commencement on Saturday, May 11. Before they cross the stage to receive their diplomas, the College will honor three individuals for their lifetime commitment to advocacy on behalf of the Rochester community.

03/11/2019 - For one full week this March, Lifting Up The ROC(k): Resistance and Renewal in the Fight for Social Justice, will bring activists, educators, writers, and performers to St. John Fisher College for a series of events that explore the life and legacy of Frederick Douglass, and through interactive discussions and presentations, will examine racism and inequity in Rochester and the larger society.

02/25/2019 - St. John Fisher College hosted its first-ever Study Abroad Festival in February, raising awareness about the array of study abroad programs available to students. And for 20 lucky students, the festival was an opportunity to apply for a passport through Monroe County, free of charge.

02/22/2019 - Each year, two St. John Fisher College students are selected to win the Diversity Scholarship given by Excellus BlueCross BlueShield.

02/20/2019 - The Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester (MAG), the Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Commemoration Committee, and St. John Fisher College announced today a joint partnership to help honor the life and legacy of the visionary African American Frederick Douglass, whose 25 years in Rochester resulted in some of the abolitionist and freed slave’s most important work.

02/18/2019 - Political science and legal studies major Alberto Gutierrez is the next featured senior in the Countdown to Commencement video series. He was nominated by Dr. Kathleen Donovan, an assistant professor of political science.
02/18/2019 - Now in its second year, the FIS(HER) program intends to provide a forum for St. John Fisher College students to develop new tools and concrete strategies to overcome gender-based obstacles. The event takes place from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 21, in Golisano Gateway Midlevel. It is free and open to the Fisher community.

02/12/2019 - Dr. Richard DeJesús-Rueff, emeritus vice president of student affairs and adjunct faculty member of St. John Fisher College, will be honored with the Distinguished Achievement Award, given by the Alumni Board of Haverford College, his alma mater. He will be formally honored during Alumni Weekend on June 1, 2019 at Haverford College.

01/28/2019 - Utica native Stella Do is the next member of the Class of 2019 to be featured in our Countdown to Commencement series. She was nominated by Tara Preteroti, assistant director of the College’s Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP).